Simon Harris Asked To Join Cool New ‘100% Redress For Mica Families’ TikTok Trend


IN A BID to trick incoming Taoiseach Simon Harris into doing the right thing and providing 100% redress for those affected by Mica defects, the Mica Action Group have begun a new video trend on TikTok.

“It’s a pretty simple trend, you listen to the concerns of people, read The People’s Document which calls for a new total redress scheme, jump on TikTok and announce you will implement it immediately with full funding,” said one Donegal local, highlighting a plot which will prove irresistible to Harris.

“The best part is he doesn’t even have to film anything, just provide true 100% redress”.

While some people think the man who thought there had been 18 covids before Covid-19 couldn’t be stupid enough to fall for being tricked into making a decision that would be second nature to a principled public servant who has a strong sense of morals and social justice, others point out Harris is incapable of passing up a chance to secure some PR and likes.

“While Irish politicians don’t seem much interested in listening to people who are suffering financially as their homes collapse around them, if there’s one particular politician who can’t resist a TikTok trend. It’s the Tiktokseach,” shared one internet expert whose suffered chronic and debilitating cringe when stumbling upon Harris’ TikTok account.

“Oh God no, stop him now. He’s one dab and floss dance away from unwittingly providing 100% redress and ending the nightmares for thousands of people,” said one desperate Fine Gael handler as Harris opened his TikTok app and fired up his best robot-trying-to-pass-as-human ‘hey guys’ video greeting.
