Varadkar Resigns After Achieving Dream Of Record Homelessness


FINE GAEL leader since 2017 and current Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has just announced his resignation on the steps of Leinster House.

Speaking to the assembled media just moments ago, an emotional Varadkar explained the shocking decision described as a political earthquake:

“And Alexander wept as he had no more worlds to conquer, no more inequality to exacerbate, no more data centres to build, no more tents to destroy while busing asylum seekers to the Dublin mountains, no more Mother and Baby Home survivors to leave out of a redress scheme, no more tax rebates to give for developers, no more children hospital budgets to balloon to the size of a small moon, no more waiting lists to extend, no more nurses and teachers to drive to the airport for emigration, no more hoteliers to enrich with state contracts and no political failures left to blame on the opposition for the 50th time”.

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