“No Worries If Not” Varadkar Bravely Raises Issue Of Gaza With Biden


TAOISEACH LEO Varadkar has gone big in his condemnation of Israel’s actions in Gaza with the small caveat of profusely apologising to US president Joe Biden for addressing the subject in front of the media.

“Every time I say something potentially chastising about Israel crimes and the US weapons that made it possible, it’s just for the cameras. Totally no worries if not,” confirmed Varadkar to Biden moments before the pair carried out the traditional shamrock ceremony in the White House.

“I’ll be all ‘we must stop the senseless slaughter of children’ while my MEPs abstain from votes calling for the suspension of EU agreements with Israel, so obviously take my moralising and grandstanding with a pinch of salt. You know the drill, a few photos, a Seamus Heaney quote and we’re out of here,” continued Varadkar, in an exchange which flew right over Biden’s head as the Democrat fixated instead on when he’ll get to have his next ice cream.

Varadkar assured Biden that if he didn’t take offence to such empty grandstanding, the Irish leader would let all ‘top of the mornings’ wash over him like a warm sunset.

“C’mere while I have, this Mary Lou one I keep mentioning, she’s like a cross between Trump and ISIS, any chance you’d add her to an FBI list or something?” concluded Varadkar.
