“Mainstream Media Not Covering This” Says Man Of Story Being Covered By All Major Media Outlets


LIKE A CANARY in a coalmine, one student of the mainstream media machine has sounded the alarm on one of the most scandalous scandals to ever occur that is sadly not being covered by any of the compromised, bought and paid for media outlets, which incidentally, is being covered by all alluded to outlets.

“You won’t read about this on RTÉ,” confirmed local publisher of phone-too-close-to-face videos Gerrard Smith, of a story first broken by the national broadcaster of Ireland.

“Why isn’t the MSM covering this? Rhetorical question, we all know why,” added Smith cryptically, of a news item which has been the subject of radio shows, TV panel debates, daily news podcasts and in print articles.

Smith’s frustration was palpable as he passionately advocated against reading what he called mainstream media because of their propensity to never cover the stories which really get to the heart of what’s going on in Ireland, stories such as the one he would have had no idea about were it not for said outlets.

“That’s why you need to follow guys like TruthMalletNews, GingerBeardSceptic and HotTakesÉire folks, the only ones doing real journalism,” Smith offered up to his followers, which consisted of family members and friends who had all selected ‘do not show me posts from Gerrard Smith’ button on their apps.
