Two Million Teslas Recalled After Autopilot Feature Drives Owners To KKK Rally


THE ELON MUSK owned car manufacturer faces a huge hit to their profits after announcing the recall of two million cars, citing an auto-pilot failure which puts drivers and pedestrians at risk.

“Why does this overpriced USB port with wheels keep driving me to KKK rallies?” queried one complainant, who has reported that perhaps inherent bias and ideological beliefs of an individual at the top of the company could have impacted the autopilot software.

Tesla, which has been sued by former employees who have subjected to ‘severe racism’, deny the claims against the company owned by a man who has turned Twitter into a casual racism playground for the far-right.

“Once I got to the field with the burning cross, I asked it to reroute but all it did was tell me how racism doesn’t exist in America and said technically Elon Musk is America’s greatest African American,” added another regretful Tesla owner.

It has been claimed by some loyal Tesla fans currently upturned on a freeway and staring at an oncoming 18-wheeler that the recall has been overhyped and is merely on ‘over-the-air’ software update to counteract the increased risk of a crash.

“Well, at least there’s no issues with Elon’s Neuralink brain chips,” said one trial participant shortly before his brain exploded.
