Parent More Attached To Child’s Old Toys Than Child


OPTING to keep a large see through plastic box packed full of old toys for another year rather than handing them down to children who would actually play with them, local dad Thomas Breen defended his decision citing highly charged emotional reasons.

“Bought this talking Cookie Monster for Jamie when he was four; never played with the thing but it has sentimental value so going to keep it for him for when he is older,” Breen reasoned, while doing his annual ‘clear out to make room for more shite’ routine.

“Ah, the Star Wars dog walking yoke, probably worth a fortune now,” the son-of-two said excusing hoarding another toy, now worth 30 cents second hand, tops.

Breen is part of the one in every two parents who seemingly become attached to their own children’s toys more so than the children themselves.

“Subjects link an emotional memory with the toy and refuse to let go and end up resorting to selfish childlike decision making,” psychology expert Dr Seymour Hastings said, explaining the phenomenon, “the children themselves would love nothing more for the toys to be given away to a charity, but the parents seem to be the bigger babies when it comes to parting with an old toy they bought for their child”.

However, similar emotions can be observed in adult children, who seem to get extremely nervous when parents even mention that they’re going to sell their old family home they haven’t lived in for 20 years.
