Economy Win: Half Of Adults Not Earning Enough To Cover Living Costs


A NEW SURVEY has revealed more than half of adults are living paycheque to paycheque, in what is being deemed yet another win for the thriving runaway success that is the Irish economy.

Carried out by digital transformation services company EPAM, the survey confirmed what many people already knew which is that the majority of people belong to the ‘broke as fuck’ cohort of the Irish public.

“Yeah, that checks out,” said one working couple looking at their pathetically low bank balance.

Despite the coalition government climaxing every time they look at incoming tax receipts from tech giants, the Irish public are experiencing life a little differently.

“If I can just get that 5% pay rise at the start of next year, I’ll technically only be 14% worse off than I was in 2021 due to the effects of inflation. Things could be looking up,” said one worker, who despite spending 6 years completing a degree and a masters is significantly worse off than their parents’ generation.

However, some experts have rubbished the surveys findings.

“No, the cost of living is perfectly fine, these idiots just can’t manage their spending,” said one finance expert, with the sort of income that puts them in the top 5% of earners.

“But while I have you there, can I interest you in a rant about how I pay too much tax and it’s low income workers who need to step up and pay their fair share, and any efforts to suggest otherwise is more Communist than Vladimir Lenin raw-dogging a hammer and sickle?” added the expert.
