‘The Crown’ Receives Criticism For Including Scene Of Queen Hiring Hitman


THE FINAL season of The Crown lands on Netflix today but reviews have already heavily criticised the latest episodes which deal with the tragic death of Diana Spencer and its aftermath.

The makers of programme have come under fire for including several scenes Palace insiders have said are not accurate including:

The Queen looking up the Yellow Pages for a hitman.

Subsequently ordering a hit, but not before haggling over the phone for hours over the price. “How much? Do you think I’m made of fucking money” the Queen, played by Imelda Staunton, shouts down the phone before rummaging through her bedside locker locking for some plundered jewels from India.

An earlier scene shows the Queen asking Palace staff if ‘the two bald men would do it?’. The staff then have to explain, at length, to the Queen that the bald men (Phil and Grant Mitchell) are actors and that Eastenders is not in fact a documentary.

Prince Charles continues to be played by Dominic West, with viewers bemoaning the fact they could never buy West as a man who cheats on his wife.

The Daily Mail have praised a scene showing a 16-year-old Meghan Markle joining the paparazzi chase in Paris.

In one glaring continuity error Brian May, Roger Taylor, Freddie Mercury and John Deacon comfort Harry and William in Buckingham Palace.

Prince Andrew applying peanut butter to his ding dong and then opening his bedroom door to the Queen’s corgis is included and is true.

Derided by critics, Princess Diana’s ghost appears to comfort Prince Charles on a plane home from Paris and to the Queen in Balmoral to offer PR advice, and once more to random pensioner 70-year-old Elsie Smith pledging to haunt her for the rest of her days with Diana stating ‘no one will believe you’.
