Camden St Named Best Place To Have Drunken Public Row With Friends At 2am


DUBLIN’s CAMDEN Street is celebrating topping a prized list for the fifth year running after being awarded the title of ‘best place to have drunken public with friends at 2am’.

“It’s the abundance of connecting side streets that do it for me, one second your chatting to your friend next minute she’s disappeared down a lane to vomit and your 30 minutes screaming on the phone to each other, insisting neither of you have moved an inch,” shared one frequent partaker in Camden chaos.

The fact that drunk people consistently conflate Camden Street, Wexford Street and Aungier Street melting them into one single indecipherable street lends itself to maximising confusion and anger among friends when agreeing to meet on Camden St but are in fact halfway up George’s Street.

“Sitting drunk in Eddie’s, aggressively insisting you are in Wow Burger to your friends on Snapchat, tell me another street that offers that, I’ll wait” said another person who has seen 17 friendships end on Camden St this year alone.

“Due to its close proximity to Harcourt St, it’s the perfect location for one belligerent and drunk friend to stubbornly insist Camden St is in fact Harcourt St and that ‘oh my God SHUT UP, Coppers is just up here, c’mon’,” confirmed one of the judging panel for this year’s award.

For aging out of touch revelers recent years have seen a number of drinking spots change their names which is a perfect ingredient to the cocktail of contentious conversations.

“Everyone’s young and I’m scared, where’s The Palace? Where’s The Village? What have they done with it? Don’t make me go to Flannery’s. Why did you make me come here,” added one sobbing 40-year-old to a friend as he struggled to hear himself over the sound of students successfully flagging down a taxi he had ordered on Free Now.
