Only Sinn Féin TD Not Suing Media Outlet Feeling Left Out


LEARNING of the legal action taken by Sinn Féin TD Chris Andrews against the Irish Times for a report relating to his tweeting on the war being carried out by Israel in Gaza, the only remaining party TD not actively suing an Irish media outlet is worrying for his political future.

“I don’t want to seem like a copycat but if it Mary Lou is suing RTÉ, I should probably get in on the action or else I’ll probably be forgotten about by senior party officials,” confirmed the anonymous TD scanning the local papers for his name.

“Somewhat related, should I be setting up anonymous Twitter accounts to attack Fianna Fáil politicians when I’m still a member of that party?” queried the TD, seeing if he needed to follow Andrews’ actions wholesale or just restrict it to suing when a paper publishes something he doesn’t like.

With the addition of Sinn Féin TD Martin Kenny suing the Irish Independent and An Garda Síochána, the TD WWN spoke with fears if he doesn’t sue soon there will be no options left.

“Eoin might sue the Mirror for saying with those glasses he could finish 17th in a John Lennon lookalike contest and where does that leave me, suing Irish Water for changing its name to Uisce Éireann and not telling me first?”

UPDATE: the TD has resolved to sue his daughter who mentioned him in her ‘news this week’ assignment as part of first-class homework.
