Teen Injured After Cat Ties Firework To His Leg


DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE has issued fresh warnings to parents and children in the run up to halloween, urging them to avoid cats and dogs after a disturbing incidence of the sadistic use of a firework.

“We regret to report we responded to the scene of a black cat cosying up to a group of youths, slaloming through one 13-year-old’s legs before the cat stuck a banger to the poor child’s leg and ran off,” explained fireman Simon Foley.

The child incurred minor injuries but the incident serves as a reminder to all about the dangers of fireworks at Halloween.

“The cat must have traveled up North recently to get some bangers, and obviously thought it was just a bit of craic that would impress its feline friends, but the damage caused can be horrible and life changing. What a sick pussy,” added Foley.

Revenge for decades worth of people tying fireworks to cats tails couldn’t ruled out by investigating authorities but the DSCPA said that cats could well see any teens hanging around bonfires as ‘fair game’.

13-year-old Eoin Skelley spoke to WWN in hospital where he is expected to make a full recovery.

“I know you’re going to say I’ve gone crazy but I swear its final meow before the banger went off sounded like ‘take that bitch’,” a tearful Skelley recalled.
