Met Éireann Issue Pink Barbie Costume Alert Ahead Of Halloween


MET ÉIREANN has issued its strongest Halloween costume related warning possible urging people to take the necessary precautions over the coming days or risk being drowned in a sea of obvious and overplayed costumes.

“We haven’t acted fast enough recently on alerts or apportioning the correct severity of warning but we won’t make the same mistake this time,” confirmed head of alerts at Met Éireann Marie Caution.

“You won’t be able to move for ‘This Barbie Is A…’ nonsense, stay at home, cover your eyes, the sheer numbers of doses means pubs, parties and nightclubs will be flooded with them. There will be no escape,” added Caution.

Met Éireann are trying to avoid a repeat of the catastrophic failure to issue a Red Joker Alert for Halloween 2019, which caused an avalanche of arseholes in pub smoking areas everywhere.

“We would want to make the public especially aware of art students, who will go the extra mile to create their ‘Barbie with a twist’ and it will be unbearable as they bat off all the compliments despite the fact they are clearly loving it,” confirmed Caution.

However, Met Éireann have refused to issue any warnings over men ironically going as Ryan Gosling’s Ken for Halloween as they might as well have ‘avoid’ written on their faces.
