Marty Morrissey Stood Down From RTÉ GAA Coverage After Criticising Stamp Price Increase


THE ISSUE of impartiality which has plagued the BBC has now spilled over to Irish state broadcaster RTÉ with Marty Morrissey stood down from commentary duties following the Corkonian’s recent controversial tweets.

“Robbing bastards,” Morrissey sent in a tweet earlier this year dated the 2nd of February, in response the 10 cent price increase on postage stamps.

While dismissed as innocuous enough by some, the impartiality of the RTÉ braodcaster has been called into question given that An Post is a state-owed institution.

“It’s not a direct calling out of the government but this is a murky area and we can’t have this sort of stuff going on,” offered head of RTÉ ethics, Tim Tymon, “one day it’s the price of stamps and the next it’s the All Ireland final and Marty is calling a free more off target than the government’s response to homelessness”.

RTÉ denied the controversy stemmed from a longstanding desire and affectation which sees the broadcaster closely mirror its UK neighbour in professional culture and output.

“We admit that in the case of how much we pay Tubridy, we’re definitely trying to copy the BBC’s top salaries, but we’re very much our own organisation,” said Tymon, drowned out by the sound of a repeat of a Michael Portillo train porgramme blaring from RTÉ.

Hopes that the disagreement between RTÉ and Morrissey could be solved before the start of the All Ireland Championships remain in doubt following the broadcaster’s latest tweet.

“I stand by what I said, criminal money-robbing expensive-stamp-charging bastards,” read the tweet.
