Church Who Abused & Trafficked Children Express Worry About Children Learning About LGBT People


THE Catholic Primary Schools Management Association, a body advocates on behalf of 89pc of Irish primary schools, has confirmed an opt-in only lesson that will require parents’ consent is the biggest and gravest issue to ever hit Church run schools.

“Sharing with children the concept of gender? I may be involved in a school under the auspices of a religious order that is still actively fighting victims of child rape in the courts to make sure they don’t get a single cent of compensation but on matters other than that I take a strong moral stand,” offered one school manager.

“Do I have any opinion on the inquiry, announced today, into historical abuse at schools run by religious orders? No, sorry, squarely focused on the horrors of children being told LGBT people exist.”

While schools run by religious orders agree with Minister for Children Roderic O’Gorman that it’s a waste of money giving 40% of Mother & Baby Homes survivors redress, they sadly differ on children being taught that transgender people exist.

“Children are precious, innocent lambs that shouldn’t be exposed to such things,” confirmed one principal, working at a school that never informed parents of a previous generation that the priest preparing children for communion was a known paedophile moved around parishes.

“We’re guided by a Catholic ethos of acceptance, not ‘accept all people’, but as in accept that children were being abused in our school and to help cover it up,” said the manager of one school whose abuse scandal only emerged recently after decades of cover up and silencing.

Far from being accused of unwittingly importing a manufactured moral panic spread by Trump-supporting political extremists in the US, the school managers have been backed by some parents.

“They’re dead right, not that I read beyond a headline I saw pop up on Facebook, can’t be filling their head with that nonsense when they’re so young,” said one parent of a child who will be subjected to 455 hours of religion classes during their time in primary school.
