‘That’s What Ye Get For The Famine’, Ireland Yells At Britain Amid Food Shortage


NOT WASTING any time in pointing it out, the entire nation of Ireland reveled in the news that its former overlords England are experiencing widespread food shortages, WWN reports.

Inhaling one giant deep breath at noon today, the nation faced east before yelling the words ‘that’s what ye get for the two famines’ and becoming visibly chuffed with itself at finally getting one back on the most ruthless shower of landlords the world has ever seen.

“That felt great, if I’m honest,” local man Patrick Geherty told WWN, citing karma as to the real cause of the food shortages and not a combination of bad weather and transport problems the UK government is blaming instead of Brexit, “stick that in yer pipes and smoke it, ye pricks,” Geherty added, now shouting over this reporter’s shoulder at the landmass.

Suggesting to its civilians to eat turnips, UK Environment Secretary Therese Coffey’s team of actually paid advisors pulled out all the stops to quash tensions, unaware of the similarities between being left with only turnips, and being left with only rotting potatoes.

“I’m praying for a turnip blight,” another Irish person commented, whose strands of DNA resonated with the genetically coded memory of one million ancestors starving to death over a failed crop of root vegetables and intentional, genocidal neglect by the British ruling class.

Retorting back at the Emerald Isle, Brexit-voting Britain exclaimed ‘you stupid Mick bastards should have learned how to fish sooner then, shouldn’t ye? You were surrounded by the bloody stuff but were just too thick to fish”, sparking a fresh torrent of neverending insults from both sides.
