Fans Defend Beyonce After VIP Concert For Putin & Russian Troops


AN EXCLUSIVE concert, the second in recent days saw Beyonce perform for a small group of VIPs including Vladimir Putin miles from the frontlines of the Ukrainian invasion, forcing fans to once again jump to the music legend’s defence.

“I’m kind of in too deep now, I blindly defended Bey when her clothing line was caught using slave labour. I was team Jay Z when he bitched about rich people having to pay tax. Defending Russia to defend Bey? Yeah that’s like drinking water to me now,” one die hard Beyoncé fan reluctantly sighed.

It’s unclear if Beyoncé’s fee this time matched the $24mn she was paid to perform at a hotel opening in the United Arab Emirates, a country where being gay carries the death penalty.

“Interesting, she didn’t so much as message me back when I asked her to play my 21st,” shared another fan, on the verge of turning on her idol, “but if she’s now saying gay rights are no longer cool then gay rights are Elon Musk wearing socks and sandals to a Nickelback concert”.

Other fans remained steadfast in their unconditional support.

“If you think I’m about to contort myself into all sorts of false equivocations and betray all the morals I claim to hold dear to state that Beyoncé is infallible, then you’d be right” offered one fan, explaining how Dubai is actually very chill when it comes to gay people so do some research.

“I’m just going to level with you I spent $68 on her official olive oil, I’m not going allow any conversations critical of Beyoncé to take place without claiming it’s cancel culture,” offered another fan reflexively defending Beyoncé for drone bombing a wedding or whatever fresh controversy that has detractors trying to treat her like a regular person.
