Dog Reports Owner To Police After Owner Shares Naked Pictures Of Them Online


A PAIR of Dublin dog owners are in police custody after their sick and twisted behaviour was discovered, WWN can reveal.

Gardaí found Martin and Sandra Hefton in possession of over 1,000 images of their dog in the nude, taken without consent, which they also circulated online.

Alerted by the victim, gardaí raided the Heftons house and discovered a nearly endless supply of openly sharing the naked dog photos.

“Not only where the photos often taken when their dog, Pippa, was asleep they delighted into sending the images to friends, family and work colleagues. They really got off on it judging by the variety of excitable emojis they attached to the photos,” explained Sergeant Noel Copper.

“They developed a bit of an online following for this disgusting stuff, and one dog food company even sent them free stuff as reward for their postings, beggars belief” added Copper.

Barking to WWN, Pippa spoke of her sense of betrayal at how Martin and Sandra, who could get up to 10 years in prison, exploited her.

“There’s zero remorse. Always telling me I was good girl was clearly part of their sick attempt to gain my trust, but these sickos even talked about how other dogs and myself would make cute puppies. Planned it even. Ready to pimp me out like I had no say in the matter,” shared the brave retriever.
