POLL: Will You Be Voting Fine Gael Or Fianna Fáil, You Great Big Fecking Eejit?


WITH AN ELECTION looking to be in the offing sooner rather than later the Irish public will be given a chance to end the dominance of governments presided over by either Fianna Fáil or Fine Gael

Perhaps come spring time the public will have a chance to vote for parties and politicians who were the driving force behind the Marriage Equality and Abortion referendums, increased calls for Climate Action, a fight for affordable housing, an end to multinationals paying no tax and a more equal society.

However, according to the latest Irish Times/MRBI polls everyone, young and old have made clear their preference – so, will you be voting for Fine Gael or Fianna Fáil you fecking idiot?

POLL: Will You Be Voting Fine Gael Or Fianna Fáil You Great Big Fecking Eejit?

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