Fucking Loser Still Doing Movember ​


DESPITE hundreds of new charity campaigns being launched in the last decade, a Dublin man has taken it upon himself to grow a moustache for the month of November in the hopes of raising money for the Movember campaign which is really uncool now and sad, WWN can confirm.

On November 1st, absolute loser David Tynan took to his social media channels to announce he was taking part in the now dated campaign to raise money and awareness for men’s health, gaining only two likes and four retweets from friends and family members who should know better.

“Movember is so old and pathetic right now I’m really mortified for him,” former friend and work colleague Ger Tobin opened up. “He keeps reposting his Movember link like someone is going to actually sponsor that ancient shite, and that excuse for a moustache he has is just not doing him any favours – it kind of makes you feel sorry for him in a way”.

Still unaware Movember is out of fashion now and no one bothers to donate anymore to it because people who participate have no real scope for going viral, David Tynan continued to post his link in the hopes that someone out there would support his facial embarrassment.

“Up to 5 years ago I would have made a fortune for the charity, even with everyone else doing it at the time,” the grandson of four explained, “now it seems I’m the only one doing it and yet no one wants to contribute.

“Dare I say: it’s like the Movember campaign isn’t trendy enough for people any more,” Tynan concluded.

If you’re sad enough to donate to this boring old Movember campaign, please click HERE, you fucking loser.
