Adorable Prince George Asks Santa For Annihilation Of Rivals For The Throne


THE ROYAL families annual festive trip to Santa’s Grotto in Westfield has resulted in just about the most adorable story we’ve had the pleasure of reporting on this Christmas.

Prince George, accompanied by his parents, a PR team and 400 of the world’s news publications, descended on White City’s Westfield shopping centre to do what normal non-royal children do; meet Santa and ask for something nice this Christmas.

And the little prince didn’t disappoint, with his adorable request to Santa, that he ‘annihilate all those who stand in my way of the throne’. Such big words for a 4-year-old, but it should come as no surprise to the adoring public, as this prince mastered speaking in tongues by the age of two.

Pointing to pictures of his great-grandmother, George reportedly then made a slitting the throat motion prompting jolly laughter from the shopping centre Santa.

Although limited to 5 minutes per child per visit, it is believed George took up nearly an hour of Santa’s time as he revealed picture after picture of people he felt stood in the way of him becoming king.

“End him. Obliterate her, she’s not even English. You can kill him too, while you’re at it,” George added, continuing to enthrall the world with his adorable ascension to the throne.

Receiving a present from Santa, George was his typically cute self, remarking “if this isn’t my grandad’s head on a spike I’m going to be fuckin’ disappointed fat man”.
