Electric Picnic Times Are Out, And Here’s Where You’ll Find Varadkar


HE may be the Prime Minister of the country these days, but that doesn’t mean Leo Varadkar is going to miss out on Electric Picnic this year. Ireland’s first openly gay Taoiseach™ was as excited as the rest of the festival attendees when the stage times were leaked earlier this week, and quickly got his red marker out to work out how much he could get done over the three days.

WWN have gotten our hands on Leo’s itinerary, and here’s how the trendy new Taoiseach will be spending the weekend:


1pm- Arrive at reveller campsite. Allow time to take selfies with anyone who wants one. Make sure to get ‘#LeoAtEP’ trending on Twitter.

3pm- Head to main area. Try not to be too disgusted by the amount of people who have clearly bought their tickets using their social welfare money. Get a photo of self eating chips.

7pm- Turn in for an early night. No camping this year. Have the lads pull the Merc around to the campsite and head home. Motorcade? Would be pretty cool, maybe.


1pm- Arrive back. Muddy up clothe a bit to appear like you DGAF. More selfies. Eat a crepe.

6pm- Head to Mindfield to hear talks on various subjects. Keep a listen out for anything to do with homelessness or repeal the 8th and GTF out of there sharpish if they come up.

8pm- Listen to Tribe Called Quest long enough to get ‘#LeoRockingOutToTribeCalledQuest’ trending. Back home to shower off the filth after a long day mingling with plebs.


1pm- Run in Phoenix Park. Fuck day 3.
