Local Woman Credits Her Tweet About Le Pen As Crucial To Defeating Her In Election


A LOCAL WATERFORD woman is beaming this morning after realising a tweet she wrote about Marine Le Pen, which garnered four retweets, was likely instrumental in defeating the far right presidential candidate in this weekend’s French election.

Losing out to Emmanuel Macron, Le Pen felt she had an outside chance of garnering enough support to win the election, however, this was before 21-year-old Lismore native Sarah Gearney Clarke made a sensational foray into international politics.

“I just can’t stand hate, or injustice, or discrimination or any of that right wing hate speech. I felt I had a duty to speak up and speak out, but I’m obviously so humbled by the fact all these French voters listened to me,” Clarke explained, before staring once again at the now historic tweet on her phone.

The tweet which contained four emojis that Clarke admitted to agonising over for seconds, broke down why disenfranchised masses of working class French people should not give in to Le Pen’s identity politics and instead realise that their woes and frustrations are first and foremost economic ones, something minorities and immigrants are not responsible for.

“It’s crazy the impact it had, as one voice that rose up to say ‘no more’. I tried my best with Brexit and Trump, but it wasn’t enough, sadly, having said that who knew ‘Le Pen is full of fucking shit, the fascist’ would make the impact on the election outcome that it so obviously did,” said the student, who is studying something in college.

Clarke hasn’t ruled out donating the tweet to a museum in order to keep it for posterity, so future generations can understand how her inspirational words saved France, Europe and the world from certain chaos and destruction.
