Soulless, Money Obsessed Game Ruins One Decent Thing To Happen To It In Years


THE game of football, overseen by a colossally corrupt governing body, has ruined the one decent thing to happen to it in years, WWN can confirm.

Claudio Ranieri, the manager who won the league with fucking Leicester was last night sacked by fucking Leicester, tainting forever the greatest underdog story in recent memory in the most popular sport in the world.

Football, currently embroiled in too many scandals to list here, had provided fans with a moving story of a group of players with a limited amount of talent coming together to triumph in a league that is turning more and more into the plaything of bored billionaires.

But that joyous title win and the feelings it elicited in the most cynical of fans is all ruined now as the Leicester board took an adorable and innocent puppy around the back of the shed and shot it in the fucking face.

“I knew the game was a soulless, money obsessed enterprise and now I continue to know this fact following the sacking of Ranieri,” shared one football fan who urged WWN not to show him a picture of Claudio Ranieri for fear he’d break down and cry.

“Look, when you win a team that had no right win the league their first and only title in 133 years, you should expect the sack when players like Riyad Mahrez stop giving a shit and just stroll around the pitch. You can’t sack players, that’s mental,” shared one callous bastard of a football fan, for balance.
