Man Unable To Unfollow Twitter Users He Fucking Hates


CASTING aside conventional social media logic, which suggests that users only follow or subscribe to people that they share interests with, one Waterford man has decided to continue following Twitter accounts of people he absolutely hates.

“It’s just an addiction at this stage, ” said James Fennel, who posts on Twitter under the name @Jf1980biggballz.

“I just can’t not tweet at people I hate. It should be easy; just click unfollow, and then I don’t even have to look at what they’re saying. But no, I follow them, and at every given opportunity I get in their online faces and argue with and contradict them as much as I can”.

Fennel has admitted that his current Twitter profile isn’t his first, having started from scratch in the middle of last year after being blocked by several of his favourite most hated people.

“I got blocked by the people I loved arguing with the most, so I just had to start up a new profile,” said Fannell, represented on Twitter by an egg avatar.

“What choice did I have? Just go on with my life, find something more constructive to do? Not get into racist arguments at 3AM? Not threaten to rape and kill a woman who I disagreed with? It just wasn’t an option”.

Twitter was approached for their opinion on the matter, but offered little more than a shoulder-shrug and a statement reading ‘what the fuck do you want us to do about it?’.
