Local Man Thinks Chucking Briquettes On Fire Makes Him An ‘Alpha Male’


A WATERFORD man is under the impression that he is a rugged provider of food and shelter for his family after a successful attempt at lighting a fire in the family home’s fireplace.

Frankie Dolan, from Tramore, threw several modestly sized briquettes onto a slowly dying fire, sparking fresh life into the mound of dying embers and thus, solidifying his reputation in his mind as a muscle clad alpha male.

“I made this,” Dolan said, pointing to the fire as his girlfriend Jessica Healy feigned interest with a polite ‘thanks, babe’.

“Fire, big fire. I made this,” added Dolan beaming with pride. The adult then went on to grunt and point for several more seconds until Healy once again relented and acknowledged his achievement with a second thank you.

Dolan admitted that while the fire was lit primarily to provide his partner with warmth, it would also serve as a warning sign to any other alpha males passing by outside on the street.

“They look in window. They see big fire. They know alpha male already here,” added Dolan, now gesticulating wildly, mimicking the action of a roaring fire.

The 27-year-old then indicated he would venture out into the wilderness to secure food, most likely from a Chinese down the road.
