Dublin Girl To Buy Boyfriend’s Present For Her Herself


TO AVOID a third straight year of crushing disappointment, a Dublin native is set to just go out and purchase the gift she is to receive from her boyfriend herself, WWN can confirm.

Dublin native Gemma Cassidy is said to have grown weary of having to accept substandard and frankly baffling presents from her boyfriend of 5 years, Eoin Folen, and this year vowed to act on her frustrations.

“Last year I spelled it out for him, ‘can I please have Coco Chanel perfume’ and so obviously on Christmas morning I opened my gift from him – an electric toothbrush. Big smiley head on him as if he’d absolutely nailed it, the dope,” confirmed Cassidy.

Cassidy went on to clarify that she would not be telling Folen of her purchase, instead opting to buy and wrap the present and leave it under the tree on Christmas morning.

“Eoin gets fierce worked up and stressed out by Christmas shopping, so he’ll have forgotten what he actually got me, and when he sees the handbag he got me, he’ll be too confused and won’t risk saying anything out loud when he sees my look of fake surprise and pure joy,” Cassidy confirmed.

Cassidy’s purchase of a designer bag will replace Folen’s original gift – a second electric toothbrush.
