President Higgins Accidentally Visits Laois Instead Of Laos After ‘GPS Fuck Up’


AN EMBARRASSING sequence of events has led to Irish President Michael D. Higgins taking an elaborate detour from his official tour of South East Asia and ending up in a field in Laois, WWN can exclusively report.

After an historic visit to Vietnam, President Higgins was expected to then head to the neighbouring nation of Laos, but a GPS entry mishap on board Ireland’s presidential jet sent the travelling party several thousand miles in the wrong direction.

Disembarking from the plane and unaware of his true location, the President was heard remarking “I know it isn’t a well off country but fuckin’ hell this kip looks like Laois”. The President then greeted a bewildered Portlaoise farmer, whose field the plane had landed in, by speaking fluent Thai.

The President was said to livid after discovering that someone had erroneously typed ‘Laois’ into the plane’s on-board GPS.

“One fuckin’ holiday I wanted this year, just one fuckin’ holiday and some eejit pilot has bollocks’d it,” the normally articulate leader shouted.

“Now myself and Sabina are definitely going to miss that full moon party in Thailand,” he angrily added.
