Lads Mad Night Out On The Pull Involves Getting Drunk & Avoiding Women


A GROUP of Waterford men who had gone to great trouble to stress how they were going to ‘ride every woman in Waterford’ as part of a mad lads night out, have, according to conflicting reports done nothing of the sort.

Richie, Con, Davey and Sean, all single, excluding Con, Davey and Sean, had earmarked last Saturday as a prime opportunity to enjoy a drink fuelled night of banter antics also known as ‘bantics’ with impressing and subsequently sexing women integral to the night’s success.

“Gonna clean up boi,” confirmed Richie in a Snapchat early Saturday evening while ingesting what appeared to be 9 Jager bombs, before encouraging his 3 friends to scan the room for attractive women that should consider themselves lucky the men entered their lives.

The words ‘shift’, ‘kiss’, ‘score’, ‘ride’, ‘fingerblast’, ‘Eiffel tower’ and ‘destroy’ were repeated a number of times to raucous cheers.

Crossing the threshold of several establishments filled to the brim with single women, all four men displayed a talent for issuing those same phrases and words which suggested they would begin chatting up women at any moment.

However, onlookers confirmed that this did not turn out to be the case.

“Ah they were egging each other on and averaging 14 high fives per minute, but for all their brazen ogling and bravado, they were clearly shitting themselves,” barman of the Cockled Muscle Mickey Trainer shared with WWN.

The friends then later agreed while horsing into a kebab that the women out on that particular were stuck up shites who didn’t even give them a chance.
