Dog Waiting For Supervet Wondering If He’ll Get Wheels Or Be Put Down


A POORLY pooch waiting to see animal illness specialist and self-appointed “Supervet” Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick is currently wondering if he will leave the clinic with wheels for legs, or will he just be put to sleep.

Marko, a 7-year old German Shepherd, was brought to Fitzpatrick Referrals in Surrey following an initial consultation with his local veterinarian, regarding some hip trouble.

Home of the hit Channel 4 show “Supervet”, the clinic specialises in heartbreaking stories about dogs and cats who either learn how to walk again, or are put down as everyone bursts into floods of tears.

Realising where he was being taken, Marko has begun to worry about how exactly the rest of the day is going to go.

“It’s either wheels for legs or a lethal injection, there’s fuck all middle ground with this Supervet lad,” whimpered Marko, who has watched every episode of the hit show since it first aired in 2014.

“Come the end of the day, I’ll either be in a heartwarming montage as I learn how to drag my crippled ass around the place, or on my way to doggy heaven”.

As the tension mounted, Marko found solace in the fact that at least he would be part of some fairly gripping television.
