Dublin Landlord Ups Rent By €200 After Hearing News About Rising Rents


A DUBLIN landlord has made the decision to up his current tenant’s rent after learning of the news that Irish rental levels have returned to 2008 levels.

“Ah, Jesus, that’s a great idea,” landlord Michael Kinsella said out loud to himself after reading the Irish Times and 50 other Irish news outlets, which relayed a Daft.ie quarterly rental report.

Kinsella the owner of a spacious and luxurious set of bunk beds sandwiched above a kitchen sink/toilet unit which is adjacent to what very few experienced room experts would call a living room.

“I had no idea I was undercharging so much, I’m not a bloody charity,” Kinsella added, furious with the newfound knowledge that his €2,000 a month rental rate was practically giving away his Dublin city centre apartment, located in City West, for free.

“Look, I’m not all bad. I just need to up the rent two, maybe three more times this year and this news is the perfect excuse. How else am I going to afford to buy another apartment,” the landlord concluded

Ireland’s housing crisis continues as shortages have driven up many prices, resulting in a single red brick located in the Dublin 4 area selling for €1.4 million at auction yesterday.
