Kenny & Martin Have Sleepover In Leinster House


THE potential coming together of Fine Gael and Fianna Fáil in a coalition has taken a huge step forward after it was revealed that Taoiseach Enda Kenny and Fianna Fáil leader Micheál Martin had a sleepover in Leinster House last night.

Brief negotiations reportedly went well, but what went even better was the two high profile leaders’ burgeoning friendship.

“They just got started talking about how they hate when the Ceann Comhairle tells them to shush. Then it was all about their favourite TV shows, and we couldn’t bloody stop them,” a Fine Gael aide explained to WWN.

“When Enda heard Micheál hadn’t watched The Sopranos, he insisted they start watching it on the big screen in his Leinster House office,” the aide added.

A true sign that the negotiations had broken through to a new level of civility came when both TDs phoned up the night manager of Government buildings requesting two sleeping bags, some popcorn and malteasers as well as How To Lose A Guy in 10 Days on DVD.

“It’s not on Netflix anymore, can you believe that? It’s a modern classic,” revealed a Fianna Fáil insider, suggesting that Martin had been given the luxury of first DVD pick after they finished the first season of The Sopranos.

Insiders suggested that Kenny wanted to go to the wax museum with Martin this morning after the pair woke up, but Martin had to get back to Cork. Talks are expected to continue throughout the week.
