Best Nights Out Are Never Planned, Finds Groundbreaking New Study


A groundbreaking study carried out by researchers at Trinity College Dublin is set to redefine the way we look at nights out forever.

After 17 years of laborious and detailed study, the researchers were able to conclusively prove that the best nights out are never the ones planned out months before, to within an inch of their lives, but rather it is the spur of the moment decision to go on a night out that results in the most fun.

“One particular test group we observed involved ‘getting the lads together all in the same room’. It was a passion project pursued by test subject we called ‘Seamus’, he spent close to 6 months trying to organise the perfect lads night out, which involved a high concentration of ‘lad activities’,” explained Dr. Dieter Gunthersson, head researcher of the study.

“What amazed us was that when another member of the group suggested the lads ”go for a session’ after one night playing 5-a-side, they went on to have the greatest night of their lives.

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Some test subjects involved in the study disputed the results, despite the conclusions being a matter of scientific fact.

“If you’re trying to tell me that the 3 years it took me to plan our 10-year pre-debs reunion knitting circle class wasn’t as good the karaoke night last week after work, then I’m sorry you’re wrong,” dry shite Shona Drumm told WWN.

With the lengthy study now finally finished Dr. Gunthersson admitted his team were anxious to have a celebration of their own.

“We’ve earmarked a date in January, it’s just a case of getting the right pub, at the right time, that suits everyone,” Dr. Gunthersson explained, seemingly forgetting all the conclusions drawn by his study.

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