Taoiseach Arrested For Plotting To Murder Mary Lou McDonald With Fist


SHORTLY after sensational pictures of Taoiseach Enda Kenny placing his fist into his open palm while watching Marylou McDonald speak in the Dáil emerged online, the Fine Gael leader was arrested by Gardaí.

Chief eye witnesses across several social media platforms were said to have played a key part in the successful arrest of the Taoiseach, with many of them confirming it was disgrace that the Taoiseach would openly plot to kill McDonald in such a brazen fashion.

Sinn Féin deputy leader McDonald was addressing the Dáil in the aftermath of the presentation of the 2016 Budget by the Government, and was speaking on the matter of devastating austerity cuts, which have been instituted of the people of Ireland for the past 7 years, and how the latest budget did little to stem the tide.

“I saw him slap that fist against his palm with such ferocious force, and I vomited, I was so upset and shocked by it all,” frequent Facebook commenter Deirdre O’Byrne told WWN, shortly after she rang the police.

“God love Marylou is all I’ll say. Standing there, not inches away from a man who is clearly capable of murder, it must have been terrifying,” O’Byrne added.

Enda making shapes at Mary Lou during her speech ! #budget16 #vinb #cblive pic.twitter.com/f4nlHsB25s

— Bank of island (@Bankofisland) October 13, 2015

Gardaí lead Mr. Kenny away from Leinster House in cuffs after a number of comments below an online video began circulating.

“We knew we had to act when several people pointed out online that what he did was a disgraceful act, and that he deserved to die, as did anyone who liked him and that he should be killed while simultaneously also serving a lifetime behind bars,” arresting officer Padraig Riggs explained to WWN.

The video is believed to be central to the prosecution’s case against the Taoiseach, which will begin later this year.
