Robbie Keane Out Of Germany Game With Nipple Strain


MANY fans worst feared have just been confirmed as Ireland captain and record goal scorer Robbie Keane has been ruled of out tonight’s crunch tie against world champions Germany through injury.

Keane had been assessing the pitch conditions at the Aviva stadium alongside Ireland manager Martin O’Neill when the injury is believed to have occurred.

“Ah the nips are hanging off me,” Keane said shortly after suffering the injury, according to witnesses in the stadium.

A father for the second time this week, Keane had taken his second son to the stadium and was carrying out his much publicised breast feeding duties.

“Robbie felt a twinge in the breast area as he knelt down to have a feel of the turf,” Irish team doctor Dr. Alan Byrne explained to the media.

“Before he knew what was what he had fallen foul of a full blown nipple strain. This can often happen with new fathers who are trying breast feeding for the first time and sadly it means he will not take any part in the match this evening,” a disappointed Martin O’Neill confirmed to WWN.

The injury represents a slight embarrassment to the Irish camp as it comes just days after Ireland assistant manager Roy Keane rubbished suggestions that the 65 goal hero’s new arrival would hinder his involvement in the game.
