David Drumm Statement Arrested By Gardaí


A STATEMENT written by ex-Anglo boss David Drumm has today been arrested by Gardaí in Dublin shortly after being printed out on paper at the banking inquiry.

Twelve members of An Garda Síochána stormed the Houses of the Oireachtas building at around 1pm this afternoon on an arrest warrant issued by the Director of Public Prosecutions.

It is understood that the twelve page statement was then transported to Store Street Garda station in Dublin for questioning, where it can be held for up to 76 hours under section 43 of the criminal office stationary act 1976.

Lawyers for the statement are currently negotiating its release on the grounds that it is only a bunch of words and sentences laid out on a piece of paper.

“It’s an absolute disgrace that in this day-and-age that pieces of paper can be treated like this,” said solicitor Gary Hanley, who is leading the legal team for the statement.

The 11-person inquiry last night decided against a previous decision to hear Mr Drumm’s evidence via video link, deciding to instead admit his written statement into evidence.

The statement is thought to contradict previous evidence by former Taoiseach Brian Cowen in relation to a dinner he attended by the board of the bank on April 24th, 2008.

“If this statement is lying we will find it,” said a senior detective involved in the interrogation. “It could be looking at anywhere up to 30 years behind bars for giving false or misleading information.”

Meanwhile, David Drumm is expected to do some suit shopping in New York later today with his wife’s credit card.
