Teenage Boy Gives Detailed Account Of Sexual Encounter He Completely Made Up


WATERFORD native Gavin Jennings, 15, has given a detailed account of his latest and most successful sexual encounter to date to an enraptured audience of his peers.

Taking shelter in Micko Dunne’s dad’s shed, several teenage boys ranging in age from 14 to 16 attentively listened as Gavin regaled them with tales of the female form and experimental fingerblasting techniques.

Gavin spent upwards of 30 minutes describing the encounter, pausing only to take a swig of a can of Bulmers the lads had found in the corner of the shed. Due to several interruptions, Gavin had to insist that a question and answer session take place once he had finished his story and only then.

Despite being a wholly fictional account of how Gavin had engaged in a threesome with two older girls the teenager’s story was met with large gasps and occasional pats on the back.

“You wouldn’t know them, they were English and only visiting for the weekend. They’re gone home now and they don’t even have Snapchat or Instagram so you won’t find them online so there’s no point in trying,” Gavin explained as his audience nodded along in agreement.

Micko, Al and Sean were surprised, but impressed to learn Gavin had ejaculated as many as 8 times during the threesome which lasted over 4 hours and that he was reliably informed by one of the girls that he had the largest penis she had ever seen.

Not all aspects of Gavin’s story went unchallenged as in the question and answer portion of the shed talk, Micko repeatedly asked Gavin to explain how he had put his penis in both vaginas at the same time, as he had previously claimed.
