WWN Goes To E3: Five Of The Hottest Games Announced So Far!


WWN were granted an all-access pass to this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo, currently running in the Los Angelas convention center, where we got to sit in on announcements from some of the world’s leading games developers lining out the upcoming slate of video games which will propel the industry forwards.

As A-list titles continue to make billions of dollars within days of release, the games announced at this years E3 reflected an industry which is striving to give gamers something they’ve never seen before, titles such as…

1) Fallout 4


Bethesda software shocked the world by announcing the fifth game in the celebrated Fallout series, Fallout 4. Again set in a desolate wasteland, and again allowing players to create their own experience throughout the game. The developers went on to confirm that, just like previous Fallout titles, gamers would have to deal not only with mutants and ghouls, but with hideous bugs as well, at least until they get patched. If you’ve never played a Fallout game before, don’t worry; enough people have, and will buy this game on the day of release regardless of whether it’s any good or not.

2) Doom 4


In a bid to propel the industry forward into the next generation and utilise the incredible processing power of today’s consoles, capable of creating gaming experiences which have never been seen before, id Software released the first trailer for Doom 4. During the 7 minute clip, we were stunned to see the cutting edge graphics and familiar enemies, weapons and effects. Not as stunned as we were when we were sneakily playing Doom 2 during computer class 20 years ago, but mildly impressed, we suppose.

3) Uncharted 4


Building on the success of Uncharted 1-3, Uncharted 4 is the latest bid by Naughty Dog to make an incredible amount of money for their shareholders. Taking all the innovation of games from across the last two decades and sprinkling a generous helping of next-gen sheen, Uncharted 4 will bring players on a rollercoaster ride of in-game micro transactions and downloadable content, just like they’ve dreamed of since the first time they had a go at Pitfall on the Atari.

4) Assassins Creed: Syndicate


Making good on their promise to their board of directors that they would present a new Assassins Creed game in the third quarter of every year, Ubisoft presented the stunning looking Assassins Creed: Syndicate, which promises to be a breathtakingly original action game to anyone who hasn’t played any of the 9 previous Assassins Creed games.

5) Final Fantasy VII


18 years after the release of Final Fantasy 7, Square Enix have finally announced a remake of Final Fantasy 7, taking everything that was so beloved about the game, giving it a shiny HD graphical overhaul and charging another €80 for it. Players have lost their online minds following the release of the game’s first trailer, prompting other developers to cease production on any innovative new games they might have been developing in favour of raiding their back-catalogues for fan-favourites they can re-issue at full price.

Stay tuned for further E3 reports from WWN, including tomorrow’s Nintendo presentation which probably contains at least 9 new Mario games.
