IBRC Banking Inquiry To Have Its Own Inquiry By Early Next Year


ENDA Kenny has been praised for his decision to launch another inquiry, this time into the nascent inquiry into transactions at IBRC, citing ‘we all know someone, somewhere will mess this up so I thought I’d get out ahead of it’.

Speaking from the state of the art National Inquiry Hall, specifically built to house myriad inquiries into the continued failures of the Irish state and its institutions, the Taoiseach apologised in advance while simultaneously asserting there is nothing to be apologetic about.

“This inquiry is not an admittance of failure on my part, but more an acceptance that infallibility itself can be fallible at times,” the Taoiseach said.

He then reassured the public that this inquiry, separate to the IBRC inquiry and the inquiry into the banking crisis of 2008, would not distract from the scheduled inquiry into the mortgage arrears crisis of 2019.

The department of finance later confirmed these inquiries into IBRC, formerly Anglo Irish Bank, would not consider the FSDTB (Finally Shut Down This Bank) which is set to be created sometime in 2017 to deal with the winding down of the IBRC.

While the exact terms of the IBRC inquiry will be finalised tonight, minister for finance Michael Noonan confirmed there would be scope for broadening any future inquiry into the inquiry to include other worrying activities yet to be discovered within state owned bodies.

The new inquiry launched by Enda Kenny is said to have a modest budget of €400 million and any expenses linked to the inquiry will not require receipts.
