Aviva Staff Attempt To Wake Fans Following Ireland Vs England Clash


STEWARDS at the Aviva Stadium are today attempting to clear remaining pockets of fans who fell asleep during Ireland’s international friendly against England.

Figures released this morning suggest that of the 44,000 fans in attendance, up to 38,000 of them nodded off during the interminable nil-all draw. Stand-by-stand, Irish and English supporters alike, slipped into a slumber as an eerie silence fell on the terraces after the first 20 minutes of the game.

Although many of these fans were sure to have had plans for the rest of the day, staff at the Lansdowne road stadium considered it ‘cruel’ to wake them up, and let them sleep where they were. Early estimates suggest that up to 10,000 were still conked out in their seats this morning, at which point the ground managers sent ushers into the stands to wake them up.

“A few of them were grumpy enough when we woke them alright,” said Graham Callaghan, the senior steward who helped implement the mass wake-up mission.

“Many of them admitted falling asleep ten minutes into the game, but they were unsurprised when we told them it ended up nil all. We were all worried that perhaps the English fans would start trouble at the event, but in the end all it took was 90 minutes of football without a shot on goal to render them unconscious”.

Callaghan went on to refute claims that Irish fans had booed Liverpool and England star Raheem Sterling, explaining that the noise coming from the stands was nothing more than synchronized snoring.
