New 50 Shades Of Grey Book To Come With Vibrator


AUTHOR of the immensely popular ’50 Shades’ books E.L James has confirmed that she will pen yet another entry in the entry heavy literary series.

Citing a love of money and the poorly rendered characters, no one has come to love, James and her publishers Random House made the announcement yesterday to a receptive press, revealing that this will be the first book in the series to come with its very own vibrator.

“We’ve sold over 125 million copies of these books which goes to show how much money there is to be made if we print another one,” confirmed Random House spokesperson Hannah Farrell, “it seemed unfair to readers that they had to purchase a vibrator separately and with this new book they won’t have to”.

James also reassured any doubting fans out there that she would remain faithful to the books, its readers and the characters.

“The printing process will actually be a lot less complex than the previous iterations in the series,” revealed James before going on to explain the book, which took minutes to write, is actually hollow and simply contains a vibrator and a picture of a topless Jamie Dornan.

“I’ve taken on board fan feedback and so I’ve just cut to the chase with this latest book,” James added.

This new book is expected to remain popular amongst the lucrative ‘dying for a fiddle’ demographic which Random House researchers believe to be mostly made up of females.

The ’50 Shades’ series has received criticism from both the BDSM community and book readers community which have stated separately that the books are not indicative of the practices and people who normally carry out BDSM or read books.

’50 Shades Of Masturbating’ is expected to be published later this year.
