Police Called After Brian McFadden Threatens To Release New Album


A SPECIAL Garda tactical unit was deployed in Dublin after reports ex-Westlife member Brian McFadden was threatening the public with the promise of a new album.

It is believed police in the UK and Australia are also on their highest levels of alert after learning of the news.

The threat was made via social media earlier today and is said to have resulted in the hospitalisation of several members of the public who can still remember his ‘Real to me’ song from 2004.

“You can’t make me listen, you can’t, you can’t,” an obviously fearful and disturbed woman was heard shouting as she was transported from an ambulance to St. Vincent’s A&E this lunchtime.

“In the studio again, can’t beat it! New album in the works,” read McFadden’s sinsiter threat on social media site Twitter, seemingly aware and unmoved by the damage his actions would cause to thousands of people.

“We’ve encountered some sick individuals in our time, but to know the man behind ‘Irish Son’ is boasting of the fact he is going to strike again sometime soon is probably one of the most disturbing things I’ve encountered in my 30 years on the force,” Garda spokesman Gary Hanley told WWN.

As of this article’s writing it is unclear as to the location of McFadden’s recording studio, but the public have been urged not to approach the singer as he is believed to armed with a guitar.

If you have any information on this case do not hesitate to contact An Garda Síochána.
