Kim Kardashian Gets Ovaries Removed Too After Angelina Jolie Selfishly Steals Headlines


AFTER spending nearly 24 hours away from the headlines of tabloid newspapers and websites, Kim Kardashian has taken drastic steps to insert herself back into the public consciousness.

Insiders close to the reality star have confirmed Kardashian has had her ovaries removed as a precautionary step to fighting off momentary obscurity.

“Kim was truly worried after waking up to find her latest selfie had not garnered 12 articles on the Mail Online, and that Angelina Jolie had made a selfish play for all the headlines that day,” explained a source close to former sex-tape star, “after careful consideration the decision was made to have her ovaries removed”.

“I don’t think it’s fair to say she’s furious Angelina is getting all this free publicity. There’s probably a stronger word like hate, yeah, she hates it,” confirmed the source.

Kim was said to be devastated by the voluntary decision, but had run out of options to regain the spotlight after recently dyeing her hair a dramatic blonde colour.

“Once you change the game by changing your hair colour, what’s left? There is no one out there today gaining these headlines, and now you can see why,” confirmed proud husband to Kardashian, Kanye West.

Press coverage of Angelina Jolie’s surgery and the wider discussion on measures preventing cancer have been jettisoned with the emergence of Kardashian’s pre, mid and post-surgery selfies which have been collected by several publications in a ‘best of’ photo gallery for ease of viewing.

“I think she just did what anyone would do if their latest Instagram post of their naked arse didn’t make front page news,” added the source.

Kardashian took a break from her promotion of her line of home colonic irrigation kits to have the surgery carried out.
