WWN Event Guide



Enjoy the sights and smells of Brown Bin Day, during this once-a-fortnight event. See weeks or sometimes months worth of decaying food mulched into the back of a putrid lorry, from 8am till 4pm. Enjoy the authentic smell of raw compost throughout this magical day. Gaze at the scientific marvel that is a bin full of maggots and worms getting knocked over by the wind. Free admission!


Limited seating available this weekend for Tramore’s weekly watching women in yoga pants running down the promenade. Two creepy old men per bench limit and tickets remain a reasonable €5 per person.


Longford awareness month launches this Sunday with the aim of the project being to alert the rest of the country to realise Longford is right there, next to Roscommon where it has always been. Free entry to all.


People in the greater Kildare area may be treated to a surprise flashing over the weekend, as police have yet to reprimand a man who has exposed himself to no less than 46 women over the last five weeks. Keep an eye out for this mystery man as you walk to your car late at night!


Friday evening nearby the Spanish Arch crowds are expected to gather as local loon Tommy Deegan ‘makes a right fool of himself’ yet again. The performance is expected to last between 10-15 minutes, culminating in Deegan heaving a large amount of vomit onto the footpath nearby. The performance is free to watch, but Deegan’s hat will fall off his head at one point, offering the perfect location for tips and donations.
