Women Advised To Change Sex To Avoid Discrimination In The Workplace


FOLLOWING extensive research into the world of casual and not-so-casual sexism, the UN has advised women across the world to change sex to avoid discrimination in the workplace.

“Honestly, we looked at all the angles here,” explained head of the UN Ban Ki Moon following the publication of the largest research project ever conducted into sexism.

“In the context of the Western world, we really had hoped things could move forward, but I think it would be best for everyone if women wanting to avoid discrimination based on their sex just made the switch,” he added.

Typically women hold the misguided opinion that they are equal to men and therefore should be able to enjoy parity in everyday life and in the workplace. However, this new UN report has conclusively proved that there is no point harping on about it, love.

“You know when we started looking at the evidence we thought such a proposal was ludicrous,” added researcher Jessica Clarin, “but is it really too much to ask you to change your sex so men don’t reduce you to crude and ill-fitting stereotypes?”

WWN spoke to a number of women interviewed as part of the UN’s research who have taken the decision to undergo a sex change operation.

“I understand 99% of people who undergo such a procedure do so for other reasons, but since I’ve made the leap it has paid off professionally,” explained Anna Pally, “I’ve been promoted 4 times inside of 6 months and no one has tried to sexually harass me which is a bonus I have to admit”.

“I have to say my sex life has improved,” shared ex-woman Sarah Dillon, “my husband says he always wanted to fuck himself and this is closest he’ll get to it”.

The UN report concludes with a gentle warning to women about dangers of trying to change the status quo stating “our research highlights that this will just take too fucking long, so you know, why not try the back up plan?”

If any of the information in this article angers you in anyway, calm down sweetheart.
