Wikipedia Ends Pointless Argument In Pub 34 Minutes Earlier Than Expected


REGULARS in Frankie O’Hara’s Bar were witness to yet another mind-numbing pub argument ending prematurely after the intervention of Wikipedia.

Known around the world primarily as a tool for education, Wikipedia has also grown in stature in the pub-going community as it has provided an easy and legitimate way to put a stop to boring shites in mid flight.

One such boredom fanatic is O’Hara’s customer Vinny Gogan whose latest argument with friend Gary Doyle was brought to an end some 34 minutes earlier than expected.

As Vinny, known for his tendency to indulge in epic bullshit-laden ramblings, began to argue that much of the brickwork in O’Hara’s pub was in fact sourced from Wicklow quarries, but he was quickly corrected by Gary after a trip to the Wikipedia app on his phone.

“No you’re wrong, says here it was Waterford. You’re full of shite,” Gary told Vinny, who was now visibly deflated and unsure as to how he ended going from a discussion about Buffy the Vampire Slayer to brickwork.

“What about them Nigerians flooding into the country, huh? Couldn’t rely on them for decent brickwork,” Vinny started up.

“Wrong there again pal, says here on the Wikipedia Abuja has some great looking buildings altogether,” Gary responded before adding some sobering facts on the level of immigrants coming to Ireland.

“Right, don’t think there’s much left to say is there, see down here again on Thursday, yeah?” Gary said as he left O’Hara’s some 4 hours earlier than normal.

Publicans in Ireland have recently appealed to patrons to refrains from using their phones to end pointless arguments as the longer they stretch on for the more profitable the country’s pubs become.
