Woman To Post Another 63 Photos Of New Boyfriend In Case You Missed The First One


WATERFORD woman and ‘luckiest girl in the world’ Tríona Leonard is set to post 63 more photos of her boyfriend Kyle Shannon later this afternoon in an effort to ensure everyone knows she has a new boyfriend.

Tríona’s initial Facebook status from around 10pm last night was specifically posted at a time she thought all those bitches she is still friends with on Facebook would be online.

However, the 24-year-old is all too aware of how some statuses can be lost in a flurry of late night Newsfeed activity and thus made the decision to add another 63 photos.

While Tríona is undecided on what text will accompany the massive dump of photos onto her Facebook and Instagram profiles, the no-longer single lady will probably sound a note of optimism for all her single friends.

“I know Valentine’s Day can be tough out there for yiz, but look at my baby. Didn’t think we’d be going strong, the best week of my life. Luv you babe,” is thought to be Tríona’s preferred choice but it is believed she didn’t want an overly romantic status overshadowing the 63 photos.

Tríona is mindful of the presence of the word ‘love’ careful not to spell it in the traditionally more formal less-serious ‘luv’ form.

Friends of the new couple have expressed their concern over the possibility of having to disable their Facebook accounts come Valentine’s Day tomorrow.

“If my feed is flooded with a 1200 word account of how many fucking rose petals were on her bed, I might just tell her Kyle was wearing the face off Síobhan last night,” explained concerned friend Ciara Lambert.
