Gay Byrne To Receive Counselling After Interview With Stephen Fry


RTÉ have confirmed this morning that popular TV host Gay Byrne is to receive counselling following the airing of an episode of The Meaning of Life.

The show’s most recent episode saw guest Stephen Fry undermine the premise of several questions posed by Byrne, answering them with characteristic charm, wit and eloquence. While the interview was largely convivial in nature, Byrne’s concept of religion and faith was challenged by someone who doesn’t ‘believe in that shite’.

“He felt a little faint after all that ‘what’s the craic with dead children God, huh?’ nonsense from Fry, so we let him have a lie down,” explained a spokesman for RTÉ, “but we can confirm he’s booked in for intensive counselling. Six months should do it”.

Byrne has famously become more questioning of his faith in recent years with The Meaning of Life providing the perfect outlet for the experienced host.

“Gay and the show are a perfect fit. He is so interested in questioning religion that Gay and ourselves ensure we only get on guests who don’t question God’s existence much at all, it’s just easier that way,” added the spokesman.

The spokesman confirmed booking Fry as a guest was a rare oversight.

The interview reached its contentious peak as Fry seemingly refused to accept the omnipotent presence of Gay Byrne, with Fry’s remarks even suggesting an incurious attitude to the Son, Father and Holy Ghost of Irish television.

Fry is thought to be the only guest on The Meaning of Life to outright reject the didactic and condescending teachings found in the Old Testament of the RTÉ TV presenters manual.
