Child Refused Entry Into Restaurant Due To Having D4 Parents


A PROMINENT Dublin restaurant has defended its decision to refuse entry to a young boy, based on the fact that he had brought his D4 parents along with him.

Marc Hennigan, 6, had been looking forward to eating Chicken Nuggets and Chips at Mr. Happy’s BurgerLand on O’Connell Street, when he was turned away at the door because his mother and father were heard speaking in deep D4 accents.

A spokesperson for the child-friendly restaurant issued an apology for not admitting the young man, stating that it was company policy not to allow D4 parents to eat at the restaurant during peak times.

“We apologise to young Marc, but we’ve found that customers don’t wish to eat while there’s a D4 parent around, ” said Sean Happy, owner and proprietor of the popular eatery.

“D4 parents have been known to cause a lot of disruption in restaurants, with instances of complaining about everything and looking down their noses at the everyone else being very common. We try to create a fun atmosphere here, and we simply cannot do that while there’s some D4 wagon and her stuck up husband sitting at the table thinking they’re better than everyone else”.

The Hennigan parents, one a prominent Barrister and the other a total bitch, were forced to bring young Marc to a nearby restaurant which had sufficient D4 facilities, where the youngster ate almost all of his dinner.
