Varadkar ‘Sick To Death’ Of People Being Sick To The Point Of Death


MINISTER FOR HEALTH Leo Varadkar has reiterated his thoughts on the state of the HSE today and its continued bed shortage.

“I just wish there was someone who could do something,” the minister explained, “I dunno, maybe someone who is a governmental role whereby they held a position which could affect the situation for the better somehow,” he added.

The minister for health then went on to make a number of sullen grimaces and sad faces to WWN in an effort to appear contrite and disappointed. Such was his upset the minister even refused to make a thinly veiled attack on senior party figures which would usually remind the public that he intends to be a future leader of Fine Gael.

Varadkar then went on to echo the sentiments of many supporters of the coalition government when he pointed out the source of the current overcrowding and bed shortages.

“I’m sick to death of people being sick to the point of death. It’s hardly fair is it? Like, they must have heard that the current government has been cutting corners in health, could they not be a little less selfish?” Varadkar said.

Measures to cover the entire floors of the A&E department in mattresses, replacing more commonly seen tiles, had been suggested by some experts as a way to avoid bed shortages in the future.

“Well, if everywhere is a bed, then no one will be without one,” suggested a consultant as he filled out his five figure invoice for the department of health.

The Government also moved to comment on the situation in A&E departments by asking the media to stop ‘bumming them out’ with stories of elderly people being forced to wait 16 hours to be seen by an overstretched and poorly supported staff.
