Customer Paying With Change ‘Must Have Been Singing’, Points Out Hilarious Fucking Barman


AN ABSOLUTELY hilarious fucking bar employee in Dublin pointed out that a customer paying for two pints of Guinness with a bunch of pocket change, ‘must have been singing or something’.

Barry Roache, who has been working at the Lions Inn for over 2 years now, made the comment in jest, hinting that the change may have come from the proceeds of busking on the street.

“I just thought it would be funny to point out,” explained Roache, who picked up the line years ago at Barman College. “It’s only a bit of banter sure. You have to know how to have a laugh with customers now and then. Isn’t that what life’s about?”

However, when approached later about the incident, customer Timothy Ryan slammed the singing suggestion as ludicrous, stating he would never stoop so low as to beg for money on the street using music.

“It’s a cunt of a thing to say to someone really,” said Ryan, now on his fourth pint of Guinness. “Do I look fucking broke to you? No. I work in I.T. for Christ’s sake. I make more in a day than that fat bastard does in a week. Fucking singing! I’ll give him fucking singing in a minute.”

With that, the punter made his way to the bar and asked for two more pints. This time winking back to the table as he waited for the stout to be served.

“C’mere bud, where did you learn to pour a pint at’ll, eh? They’ve both got Bishop’s collars on them, will you put a head on that for us, will yis?” he told the now red-faced barman, before breaking into song while jingling the change in his pocket.

“Goodman, there’s a tip for ya,” he added, leaving several brown, 5 cent coins on the counter.

“Merry Christmas,” replied Roache, now wishing the ground would swallow him whole.
